
The Ultimate Guide to Weightlifting Belts

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The Ultimate Guide to Weightlifting Belts

what do weight lifting belts do

You must have noticed serious lifters at the gym who seem like they’re getting ready for a heavy lifting session.

They confidently head to the free weights. Drop their gym bag. And take out a full set of equipment – lifting shoes, sleeves, chalk, and, of course, the weightlifting belt.

It’s like they’re preparing for some superhero mission. Weightlifting belts are an essential tool for powerlifters, weightlifters, and even regular gym-goers who love lifting heavy.

Now, you might think, “Do I really need weightlifting belts?”

Guess what?

You do not have to be a professional to benefit from using weight lifting belt. Whether you are into strength training for any reason. Belting up can teach you how to brace for heavy lifts. Plus, how to handle more weight, and prevent injuries.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about weightlifting belts.

Guide to Weightlifting Belts

Guide to Weightlifting Belts

What is a lifting belt?

A lifting belt is a strong and wide belt you wear around your waist when lifting heavy things. It’s there to help your back and tummy muscles.

People who lift a lot use these belts to stay safe and strong. For instance, powerlifters and weightlifters.

What Do Weight Lifting Belts Do?

Weightlifting Belts

Now comes the question, What exactly is the purpose of weightlifting belt?

The weight lifting belt purpose is to help and support your muscles when you lift weights. They are designed to make your body stronger during weightlifting.

When you wear the belt. Your belly muscles have something solid to push against. Helping them work better.

The belt’s main job is to:

  • Keep your body in the right position,
  • Make your spine steady, and
  • Stop your lower back from getting hurt during tough exercises like squats and deadlifts.

Improve Performance, Prevent Injuries

Some think belts are only for avoiding injuries. But they actually help you perform better.

A study found that using a weightlifting belt can make you more powerful. It makes your movements faster, all without messing up how you lift.

Do Weightlifting Belts Really Protect You?

People often wear belts thinking they keep them safe from injuries. However, the facts say something different.

Most people wear belts to prevent injuries.

But there’s not much proof that belts lower the chances of getting hurt. Some studies even suggest that belts might give a false sense of safety and could potentially make injuries worse.

To say in simple terms, belts improve performance more than safety.

How To Wear A Weight Belt? Step-by-Step Guide

how to wear a weight belt

Now let’s answer the most important and common questions people ask when it comes to weight lifting belts.

  • How to wear a lifting belt?
  • How to put on a belt?
  • How to use a belt?

If you have similar questions. This step-by-step guide is for you. Follow these steps to ensure your weightlifting belt provides the support you need during your heavy lifting sessions.

It’s as easy as that!

Step 1: Position the Belt

  • Place the weightlifting belt just above your hip bone.
  • Ensure it covers your back, sides, and front of the torso for full contact.

Step 2: Adjust Tightness

  • Inhale slightly before tightening the belt. Like you are getting punched in the stomach.
  • Tighten it enough for a snug fit without feeling overly constricted.
  • Allow room for your stomach to expand while bracing.

Step 3: Check Tightness

  • Confirm the tightness by attempting to insert your index finger behind the belt.
  • If it’s too loose or uncomfortable, consider adjusting the belt or trying a different thickness.

Step 4: Breathe and Brace

  • Use the belt to stabilize your back by engaging your core.
  • Inhale deeply into your belly and flex your abs and lower back.
  • Maintain this braced position throughout the lift.

Important Note: No Belt Can Fix Bad Form

Remember, a weightlifting belt will not save you from poor form. So, make sure you have got those basics down.

How Tight Should A Weightlifting Belt Be

Your weightlifting belt should be comfortable, not super tight.

You should be able to take a deep breath comfortably. It is like a supportive hug for your belly without making it hard to breathe or feel uncomfortable.

Adjust it so you feel stable during your lifts but still can move and breathe easily.

Essential Weightlifting Belt Tips

Putting on a weightlifting belt is not a quick fix for lifting more weight instantly. Just like other workout gear, using a weightlifting belt takes a bit of practice.

Here are some easy tips for breathing and bracing to make your weightlifting belt work better.

  • Prepare for a Gut Punch

Pretend someone’s about to punch your stomach. To make your back secure and steady with a weightlifting belt. Squeeze all your tummy muscles. This is super important to make the loft belts work well.

  • Breathe Deep Into Your Belly

Imagine that incoming stomach punch and take deep breaths into your belly. Picture your ribcage getting pulled in. And make sure your hips are right under your ribcage.

Keep your tummy tight and focus on sucking your ribcage into your body.

  • Squeeze Your Side Muscles

Your side muscles (obliques) are key for keeping your hips and spine steady. Especially, when you’re lifting heavy stuff.

While you breathe into your belly. Puff out your side muscles. Like you’re blowing up your cheeks. This helps keep things from twisting too much and keeps you stable during weightlifting.

How to Choose a Weightlifting Belt

When choosing a weightlifting belt. Consider factors such as

  1. Your comfort preferences.
  2. The level of support you need, and
  3. How easily you want to adjust the belt.

It’s essential to find a balance that suits your lifting style and individual requirements.

What To Look For When Buying a Weightlifting Belt

Factor Description
Thickness How thick the belt looks from the top view.

Thicker belts offer more spine support for heavy lifts like squats and deadlifts.

But may interfere with dynamic lifts.

Tightness Secure the belt comfortably around your belly.

One finger should fit between your body and the belt.

If on the last notch or feels too tight, it might be too small.

Material Belts are typically nylon or leather.

Leather offers better performance but may be stiff initially.

While nylon is versatile but less secure.

Latching Nylon belts use Velcro for quick adjustments, less secure.

Leather belts have lever or prong fastenings. Levers offer maximum security but are less adjustable.

While notched belts provide good security and more adjustability.

Sport-Specific Rules Check federation rules for strength sports.

For instance, the International Weightlifting Federation limits belt width to 12 centimetres.

Read the powerlifting federation’s detailed rules on material, adornment, and lift-specific conditions.

Best Weightlifting Belts Options

1. KO Leather Weight Lifting Belt

KO Leather Weightlifting Belt

Buy Here

Price: $59.99

2. WSF Genesis Universal Lifting and Dipping Belt

WSF Genesis Universal Lifting and Dipping Belt

Buy Here

Price: $79.99

Types of Gym Exercises to Wear Lifting Belts for

using weight lifting belt

When it comes to maximising your performance in the gym. The right equipment can make a significant difference.

Lifting belts are a go-to accessory for improving stability and support during various exercises. Here’s a list of gym activities where using a lifting belt can provide that extra support. So, you perform each movement with confidence and proper form.

  1. Deadlifts
  2. Heavy Squats
  3. Overhead Press
  4. High-Intensity Training
  5. Powerlifting Moves (Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift)

How Weightlifting Belts Help You: 10 Benefits

  1. Belts stop your back from bending too much during certain exercises.
  2. Belts help you lift heavy weights easily by giving support to your body.
  3. Belts help you keep the right posture and stay strong during heavy lifting.
  4. They make your back stronger and more stable when you lift heavy stuff.
  5. Belts can’t fix bad habits, so it’s important to lift correctly even with a belt.
  6. Belts let you feel where your body is, so you know how to lift things better.
  7. They make it easier for your body to push force from your legs to lift things.
  8. Wearing a belt keeps your back safe by preventing it from arching too much.
  9. They give extra support when you need to be really stiff and tight in your middle.
  10. Belts let you feel right away if you’re using your muscles properly during exercises.

Who Should Use a Weightlifting Belt

should i use a weightlifting belt

A weightlifting belt can be beneficial for certain individuals. But it’s not necessary for everyone. Here’s a simplified overview of who can consider using a weightlifting belt:

  1. Heavy Lifters: People who regularly lift heavy weights. Especially during squats and deadlifts, will find a weightlifting belt helpful in providing extra support.
  2. Strength Trainers: Individuals focused on building strength through resistance training. They can use a weightlifting belt to maintain stability and protect their back.
  3. Experienced Lifters: Those with experience in weightlifting and proper form. They will benefit from the additional support a belt provides during intense workouts.
  4. Individuals with Back Problems: People with back issues or concerns about their lower back. A weightlifting belt will help minimize stress during lifts.
  5. Athletes in Powerlifting or Weightlifting: Athletes participating in powerlifting or weightlifting competitions. They often use belts to increase their performance and protect against injuries.

Important Note

  • It is important to note that beginners and those still learning proper lifting techniques do not need a weightlifting belt initially.
  • It is advisable to focus on developing good form before considering the use of additional equipment.
  • Always consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider to determine if a weightlifting belt is suitable for your specific needs and fitness level.

Should I Use A Weightlifting Belt

purpose of weightlifting belt

Deciding whether to use a weightlifting belt depends on various factors. Here’s a simple breakdown to help you decide:

Use a Weightlifting Belt If:

  1. You’re into heavy lifting, especially squats and deadlifts.
  2. You want extra back support during intense workouts.
  3. You compete in powerlifting or strongman events.
  4. You’re an experienced lifter aiming for maximal strength.
  5. You understand proper form and use it consistently.

Be Cautious Using a Weightlifting Belt If:

  1. You’re a beginner; let your core strengthen naturally.
  2. The belt hinders your movement, especially in exercises like cleaning or snatching.
  3. You have health conditions, such as heart issues or a history of hernias. Increased pressure from wearing a belt could negatively affect your condition.

Consult a Professional:

  • If you’re not sure. Consult with a fitness professional or your doctor to get personalized advice.
  • They can help assess whether a weightlifting belt aligns with your fitness goals and health concerns.


A weightlifting belt should complement your lifting habits. Not cover up poor techniques. Always prioritize proper form and technique in your exercises.

Weightlifting Belt FAQs

How do I know what weightlifting belt to get?

By using your waist measurement and considering the type of belt. You can select the appropriate size to ensure a comfortable fit for your weightlifting needs.

Measure Your Waist: Use a tape measure to find your waist circumference.

Select the Belt Type:

For weightlifting and prong powerlifting belts. Aim for the centre of the size range.

If it’s a lever powerlifting belt. Position yourself around 3/4 of the way along the holes.

Practical Tips

  • Ensure a snug fit without being too tight or too loose.
  • For prong or weightlifting belts, target the midpoint of the size range.
  • In lever belts, aim for around 3/4 of the way along the holes.

What are the rules for weightlifting belts?

The rules for weightlifting belts include:

  1. Belts are narrower in the front and wider in the back, providing lumbar support.
  2. A weightlifting belt used in competition must not be wider than 12 cm. According to the rules of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF).
  3. In competition, belts must be worn over the lifter’s jersey.

What belt should I wear for weightlifting?

Weightlifting belts are commonly made from leather, suede, or nylon. Choosing the ideal material should be based on comfort and the duration you plan to wear the belt.

  • Nylon belts, featuring a Velcro strip, offer more adjustability.
  • Whereas leather and suede belts provide firmer support.

Do I need a 3 or 4 lifting belt?

For lifting, choose between a 4-inch and 3-inch belt. Competitive lifters prefer the 4-inch for maximum support. While a 3-inch is comfy for those with short torsos.

Wider belts generally give more support.

Start with a 4-inch. Unless you’re a woman or have a short torso. Then a 3-inch belt is better choice. Avoid narrow belts and widths over 4 inches for the best fit and comfort.

The information provided on this website is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered professional or medical advice. We make every effort to ensure the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Always consult a qualified professional before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle. We are not responsible for any adverse consequences resulting from the use of, or reliance on, any information provided on this website.

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